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Flourish Youth MOVE Logo. Missouri with stripes of orange and blue in the background, with 4 hands on the front.

Flourish Youth MOVE is the local chapter of Youth MOVE National. We are a youth-established and youth-led organization intended to create space and resources for youth in Boone County, Missouri, to speak up about the issues they are most passionate about and to advocate for positive change in our community. 


Flourish is our chapter’s host organization, and you can find out more about other Flourish programs at

4 people giving a presentation in front of an audience of roughly 11 people.
Anchor 1

Mission Statement:

Flourish Youth MOVE’s mission is to unite youth voices of Boone County, Missouri to make positive changes in systems that impact youth by creating equitable, safe environments for all youth to flourish.

4 people are leaning over writing on a table. One man stands with his arms crossed closure to the camera. There is a large paper on the wall behind them.

Our summer events built on the foundation laid by Boone County Community Services efforts to include the community in developing strategies that reduce youth violence. We’re excited to lift up youth voices to further guide those strategies. You can learn more about the county's historical efforts on collective impact by clicking here.

Our efforts began during the summer of 2022, in partnership with the Flourish Prep I interns working at Veterans United.
To learn more about the progress we have made, click the button below.

Three youth are standing around a table talking. There is also a youth sitting in a chair by the table.
A large group of youth are standing by table stations

Meet Our Leadership Committee

Our Mission

About Youth MOVE National

In 2007, the National Youth Development Board (NYDB)—a committee of youth and young adults that was formed to advise system of care grantees on youth engagement—realized they needed to do more than just advise. They saw the power of the NYDB convening youth together and sharing their own voices of experience and the need for a national, formalized entity and Youth MOVE National was born.



Learn About Our Supporters

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